Fall Leaf Mini

Thank you for signing up for a Fall Leaf Mini Session!

There is a lot of info below to help you have the best photo experience.

Please don’t hesitate to email me if you have any questions.



10646 Applewood Rd North Collins

I live at the end of a dead end road. When you come to the end of the road you will see two wooden posts,

drive past those onto the single stone driveway.

Right away you will see a driveway to your right, pull in here

(your gps might tell you to keep going farther into the trees…don’t do that)

**Sessions are scheduled back-to-back. If you arrive early please hang in or near you car.

1- It keeps the kids currently being photographed from being distracted

2 - It keeps your kids from potentially getting dirty or muddy before the session

3- I always appreciate people being on-time, but don't feel the need to super early - if there is still a session that needs to be done before yours, I don't want your kids to be antsy and restless from sitting in the car for 20+ minutes and being over the photo experience before we even get started.


I check my weather apps daily and am always looking ahead to the upcoming days.

If I think the weather will not be cooperative for the day of your session, I will be in contact with you a couple days prior to make a plan.

If we need to reschedule I will give you several options for a makeup date.


The remaining $175 balance is due at the time of the session.

*I can accept cash or check at the session

* Or venmo - @motherinnaturephoto (you should see the same profile photo as my social media pages)

* Or click the button below to pay with your credit card

The Session

I work quickly but efficiently during mini-sessions to get you as much variety in poses as I can.

Typically, my "goal" is the following

  • Full Family - Classic look & smile
  • Full Family - smiling and laughing at each other
  • Kids together
  • Individuals of kids
  • Parents together (if desired)
  • A few fun/playful action shots.

Every family is different though. Some might say "I hate being in photos so I just need one good family shot and the rest can be the kids" and some say, "I'm never in photos but I have 1000s of pictures of my kids on my phone, so one of them but the rest of the whole family."

So, if you have a preference like this, let me know!

Otherwise, I will just try to get you a nice mix.

After the Session

Please give me about 2 weeks to have your photos ready.

Of course I try to work as quickly as I can because I know the suspense is hard, but this is the busiest time of year.

SNEAK PEEKS: I'm sorry to say this, but I do not post sneak peeks. Not because I'm not super excited to share these beautiful images....it's because I noticed that this little thing slowed down the editing process. Instead of working away at the session currently on my editing list, I would spend so much time browsing the session, clicking back and forth deciding which image I liked more, getting carried away with the editing, and before I knew it I had spent so much time on just one photo. And yes, while you as the one with the sneak peek wouldn't mind that, if you're the person eagerly awaiting your full session of images you probably would appreciate that I'm putting that focus into completing the gallery and keeping things moving along.

SOCIAL MEDIA: While I always love and adore all the photos from my photo sessions and want to share with the world, I also respect the privacy of my families, so please let me know if you DO NOT want your images shared on social media or my website.

If you have any other questions, please let me know.

See you soon!